3.5.3 Communication with the patient, family and carer

The lead clinician should:

  • ensure the patient understands that they have been diagnosed with CUP and that they understand the ramifications of this diagnosis
  • assist the patient in explaining their diagnosis to their family; audio recordings may be a helpful resource for patients (Pitkethly et al. 2008)
  • establish if the patient has a regular or preferred GP
  • discuss a timeframe for diagnosis and treatment with the patient and carer
  • discuss the benefits of multidisciplinary care and make the patient aware that their health information will be available to the team for discussion at the MDT meeting
  • offer individualised CUP information that meets the needs of the patient and carer (this may involve advice from health professionals as well as written and visual resources)
  • offer advice on how to access information and support from websites, community and national cancer services and support groups for both patients and carers
  • use a professionally trained interpreter to communicate with people from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds.