2.4.2 Communication with patients, carers and families
The general practitioner is responsible for:
- providing patients with information that clearly describes to whom they are being referred, the reason for referral and the expected timeframes for appointments
- requesting that patients notify them if the specialist has not been in contact within the expected timeframe
- considering referral options for patients living rurally or remotely
- supporting the patient while waiting for the specialist appointment (Cancer Council and Myeloma Australia nurses are available to act as a point of information and reassurance during the anxious period of awaiting further diagnostic information).
More information
A range of disease-specific support organisations may be available for patients. These include:
- Cancer Council: 13 11 20
- Leukaemia Foundation: 1800 620 420
- Myeloma Australia: 1800 693
Refer to Principle 6 ‘Communication’ for communication skills training programs and resources.