3.4.2 Timing for multidisciplinary team planning
The multidisciplinary team should meet to discuss newly diagnosed patients within two weeks of diagnosis so that a treatment plan can be recommended and there can be early preparation for the post-treatment phase. However, immediate treatment is often required before a full MDM ratifies details of the management plan (which should include full details of the response assessment). For certain tumour subgroups (brainstem glioma, eloquent area, multifocal tumours, unusual tumours), the multidisciplinary team should convene before surgery. The level of discussion may vary, depending on the patient’s clinical and supportive care factors.
Selected patients may not be discussed by a multidisciplinary team; instead the team may have treatment plan protocols that will be applied if the patient’s case (cancer) meets the criteria. If patients are not discussed at an MDM, they should at least be named on the agenda for noting. The proposed treatment must be recorded in the patient’s medical record and should be recorded in an MDM database where one exists.
Teams may agree on standard treatment protocols for selected patients, facilitating patient review (by exception) and associated data capture.
Results of all relevant tests and access to images should be available for the MDM. Information about the patient’s concerns, preferences and social and cultural circumstances should also be available.