1.2 Risk factors

1.2 Risk factors

Risk factors for bone sarcoma may include:

  • family history (slight increased risk)
  • history of retinoblastoma
  • Li-Fraumeni syndrome
  • history of childhood cancer
  • prior abnormalities such as Paget’s disease, avascular necrosis or polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
  • past treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • exposure to certain chemicals (for example, vinyl chloride and dioxin)
  • age: adolescent/young adult (less than 30) or over 50 years.

Risk factors for soft tissue sarcoma include:

  • familial syndromes
  • history of cancer
  • past treatment with radiation therapy
  • prolonged lymphoedema
  • exposure to certain chemicals (for example, vinyl chloride and dioxin)
  • age (over 50 years).