Expert working group (previous edition)

Expert working group (previous edition)

Professor David Watson (Chair), Head of Flinders University Department of Surgery and OesophagoGastric Surgery Unit, Flinders Medical Centre

Dr Ahmad Aly, Head Upper GI Surgery, Austin Hospital; Clinical Associate Professor, The University of Melbourne

Assoc. Professor Alex Boussioutas, Gastroenterologist/Endoscopist, Clinical Researcher, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Western Health, The University of Melbourne

Ms Tara Bunting, Upper GI Cancer Nurse Coordinator, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Dr Gary Crosthwaite, Upper GI Surgeon, Director General Surgery and Gastroenterology, Epworth Hospital, The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Ms Bronwyn Jones, Upper GI Cancer Care Coordinator, Central Adelaide Local Health Network

Associate Professor Michael Michael, Chair, Upper GI Service; Medical Oncologist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Dr Jon Shenfine, Upper GI Surgeon, Consultant General and Oesophagogastric Surgeon, Royal Adelaide Hospital Department of Surgery; Senior Lecturer, The University of Adelaide

Professor Mark Smithers, Surgeon, Director, Upper GI Soft Tissue Unit, Princess Alexandra Hospital

Professor Robert Thomas, Chief Advisor on Cancer, Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria

Alexandra Viner, Project Manager Optimal Care Pathways, Cancer Council Victoria

Ms Kellie Wright, Senior Dietitian, Cabrini Health

Dr Zee Wan Wong, Medical Oncologist, Clinical Director, Goulburn Valley Health; Senior Lecturer, Department of Rural Health, The University of Melbourne