Members of the multidisciplinary team for acute myeloid leukaemia (formerly Appendix E)

Members of the multidisciplinary team for acute myeloid leukaemia (formerly Appendix E)

Not all patients with lgl require ongoing input from a multidisciplinary team. Where required, the multidisciplinary team may include the following members:

  • care coordinator (as determined by multidisciplinary team members)*
  • haematologist*
  • infectious diseases physician*
  • nurse (with appropriate expertise or under the supervision of nurses with appropriate expertise)*
  • pathologist including pathologist with molecular genetic expertise*
  • pharmacist*
  • Aboriginal health practitioner, Indigenous liaison officer or remote general practitioner
  • fertility specialist
  • spiritual/pastoral care
  • clinical trials coordinator
  • dentist
  • dietitian
  • exercise physiologist
  • general practitioner
  • genetic counsellor
  • geriatrician
  • nuclear medicine physician
  • occupational therapist
  • palliative care specialist
  • physiotherapist
  • psychiatrist
  • psychologist
  • radiation oncologist
  • radiologist/imaging specialists
  • social worker
  • spiritual/pastoral

* Denotes core members. Core members of the multidisciplinary team are expected to attend most multidisciplinary team meetings either in person or remotely.