Expert working group (previous edition)

Expert working group (previous edition)

Professor John Seymour (Chair), Director, Department of Haematology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Dr Phillip Campbell, Head of Haematology, Barwon Health

Dr Duncan Carradice, Haematologist, Western Health

Dr Geoff Chong, Medical Oncologist, Austin Health, Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre

Ms Tracey Dryden, National Lymphoma Coordinator, Leukaemia Foundation

Ms Jane Farrow, Senior Occupational Therapist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Asscociate Professor Michael Hofman, Nuclear Medicine Physician

Ms Lynda Katona, Manager, Psychological Service, Alfred Health

Dr Kylie Mason, Haematologist, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, The University of Melbourne

Dr Francoise Mechinaud, Director, Royal Children’s Hospital Cancer Centre

Ms Yvonne Panek-Hudson, Nurse Practitioner, Haemotology and Bone Marrow Transplant, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Mr Peter Shuttleworth, Haematology Clinical Nurse Consultant, Austin Health

Mr Graeme Still, Manager, Blood and Marrow Transplant Network, Agency for Clinical Innovation

Professor Robert Thomas, Chief Advisor on Cancer, Department of Health and Human Services

Professor Andrew Wirth, Radiation Oncologist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, The University of Melbourne

Ms Kathryn Whitfield, Acting Manager Cancer Services, Department of Health and Human Services

Ms Alexandra Viner, Project Manager – Optimal Care Pathways, Cancer Council Victoria