4.3 Special considerations

4.3 Special considerations

For women wishing to preserve their fertility, early cervical cancer (cancers that are small and confined to the cervix) can be managed conservatively, with cone biopsy or trachelectomy in selected cases (ESMO Guidelines Working Group 2012).

After childbearing is complete, hysterectomy can be considered for women who have had either radical trachelectomy or a cone biopsy for early-stage disease if they have chronic, persistent HPV infection, they have persistent abnormal cervical tests, or they desire this surgery (NCCN 2017).

For premenopausal women undergoing radiation therapy, consideration for ovarian transposition should be individualised (Gubbala et al. 2014; Mossa et al. 2015; Shou et al. 2015).

When diagnosed in pregnancy, management of cervical cancer will depend on the gestation at diagnosis and the stage of the cancer. In early pregnancy (before 24 weeks) termination of

pregnancy to facilitate cancer treatment may be recommended. After 24 weeks it may be possible to delay treatment until viability of the baby (around 34 weeks).

In a woman known to be HIV positive, cervical cancer is an AIDS-defining illness, and management in conjunction with infectious diseases experts is recommended (Maiman et al. 1997).

Ongoing assessment of the effects of treatment-related menopause is required.