3.6.3 Communication with the patient

The lead clinician should:

  • establish if the woman has a regular or preferred general practitioner
  • discuss a timeframe for diagnosis and treatment with the woman and her carer
  • discuss issues regarding fertility and early menopause
  • discuss the benefits of multidisciplinary care and make her aware that her health information will be available to the team for discussion at the multidisciplinary team meeting
  • offer individualised cervical cancer information that meets the needs of the woman and her carer (this may involve advice from health professionals as well as written and visual resources)
  • offer advice on how to access information and support from websites and community and national cancer services and support groups (for example, Cancer Council)
  • use a professionally trained interpreter when communicating with women from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds (NICE 2004)
  • if the woman is a smoker, provide information about smoking cessation.