4.5.3 Communication with patients, carers and families

The lead or nominated clinician should take responsibility for these tasks:

  • discussing treatment options with patients and carers, including the treatment intent and expected outcomes, and providing a written version of the plan and any referrals
  • providing patients and carers with information about the possible type and duration of side effects of treatment, what side effects require urgent attention and what to do if they occur
  • informing patients about how to access urgent and non-urgent care
  • providing patients and carers with information about managing symptoms between active treatments, how to access care, self-management strategies (e.g. diet modification, gentle exercise) and emergency contacts
  • encouraging patients to use question prompt lists and audio recordings, and to have a support person present to aid informed decision making
  • initiating a discussion about advance care planning and involving carers or family if the patient wishes.