2.3.1 Timeframe for referring to a specialist

Non-urgent cases should ideally be seen by a specialist haematologist within two weeks. However, some cases may require immediate hospital admission. Patients with a possible CML diagnosis should be discussed with a haematologist to decide on the urgency of the referral.

Urgent admission to hospital for inpatient care, possibly including leukapheresis or plateletpheresis, should be considered for:

  • patients with a WBC above 100
  • patients with a platelet count below 50 or above 800
  • men complaining of priapism (a persistent erection) or incipient priapism
  • any features that suggest leukostasis – blurred vision, fainting, seizures, TIA-like events, any other unexplained neurological syndromes
  • any other unexpected organ dysfunction or poorly controlled pain.