2.2 Assessments by the general practitioner
General practitioner examinations and investigations should include:
- history and physical exam including careful palpation of all lymph node areas, spleen and liver
- full blood count and manual film examination
- flow cytometry to confirm clonal nature of lymphocytes
- urea, electrolytes, uric acid and creatinine
- liver function tests
- serum immunoglobulin levels and direct antiglobulin test (Coombs’ test). Tests that are not usually required:
- lymph node biopsy is generally not necessary to diagnose CLL, even if lymphadenopathy is present clinically or on imaging
- routine imaging is not recommended – imaging should only be performed when there are concerns around local symptoms, compression or very bulky nodes to exclude a local complication such as hydronephrosis or vascular compression.
The general practitioner should have results and review the patient within two weeks.