1.3 Risk reduction
While there is no evidence linking lifestyle changes to reduced risk of CLL, it is important to encourage people to reduce modifiable risk factors for other types of cancer and health conditions. This includes providing advice on regular screening, skin checks, sun-safe behaviours (Kleinstern et al. 2016; 2020), preventing or reducing obesity, and support to quit smoking.
This is particularly important since people with CLL have an increased risk of developing other cancers including lung and upper aerodigestive cancers such as pharyngeal and oesophageal cancer, as well as skin cancers.
Neither genetic nor medical screening is warranted for family members of people with CLL.
Although family history of a lymphoproliferative disorder is associated with increased risk of developing CLL (Brown 2008; Goldin et al. 2004), the disease is polygenic and no specific causative genes have been identified. As such, there are no tests that can screen for inherited genetic markers.
Patients should understand that any ‘genetic testing’ recommended by their doctor will identify changes in CLL cells that can help inform prognosis and guide treatment but cannot identify genes or genetic changes that are inherited or passed on. There is no evidence to support any kind
of genetic screening among family members, including direct-to-consumer genetic testing.