3.6.5 Communication with the general practitioner
Consider appointing one lead clinician at the time of initial diagnosis; however, all treating clinicians have these communication responsibilities:
- involving the general practitioner from the point of diagnosis
- ensuring regular and timely communication with the general practitioner about the diagnosis, treatment plan and recommendations from MDMs and inviting them to participate in MDMs (consider using virtual mechanisms)
- gathering information from the general practitioner including their perspective on the patient’s psychosocial issues and comorbidities and locally available support services
- supporting the role of general practice both during and after treatment
- discussing shared or team care arrangements with general practitioners or regional cancer specialists, or both, together with the patient
- contributing to the development of a chronic disease and mental health care plan as required, particularly to access community supportive care service
- notifying the general practitioner if the patient does not attend appointments.
Refer to Principle 6 ‘Communication’ for communication skills training programs and resources.