4.3 Training experience and treatment centre characteristics
The following training and experience is required of the appropriate specialist(s):
- Haematologists, radiation oncologists or medical oncologists (FRACP or equivalent) must have adequate training and experience with institutional credentialing and agreed scope of practice within this area (ACSQHC 2015).
- Nurses must have adequate training in systemic therapy administration, specialised nursing care for patients undergoing cancer treatments, including side effects and symptom management, and handling and disposal of cytotoxic waste.
- Interventional radiology and/or certified proceduralists must be competent in inserting central venous access devices.
- Systemic therapy should be prepared by a pharmacist with adequate training in systemic therapy medication, including dosing calculations according to protocols, formulations and/or preparation.
In a setting where no haematologist or medical oncologist is locally available (e.g. regional or remote areas), some components of less complex therapies may be delivered by a general practitioner or nurse with training and experience that enables credentialing and agreed scope of practice within this area. This should be in accordance with a detailed treatment plan or agreed protocol, and with communication as agreed with the medical oncologist or as clinically required.
Hospital or treatment unit characteristics for providing safe and quality care include:
- dedicated standard isolation rooms (single rooms with ensuite and clinical handwashing facilities)
- access to a cell separator for collecting peripheral blood progenitor cells
- HEPA-filtered environment/rooms in the inpatient setting
- immediate blood product support
- a clearly defined path to emergency care and advice after hours
- access to total parenteral nutrition
- access to a dental service familiar with mouth care issues experienced by haematology patients
- accessible emergency apheresis for managing hyperleukocytosis
- access to diagnostic pathology including basic haematology and biochemistry, and imaging
- rapid access to an interventional radiologist/proceduralist
- an infectious disease specialist
- cytotoxic drugs prepared in a pharmacy with appropriate facilities
- occupational health and safety guidelines regarding handling of cytotoxic drugs, including preparation, waste procedures and spill kits (eviQ 2019a)
- guidelines and protocols to deliver treatment safely (including dealing with extravasation of drugs)
- timely access to pathology
- coordination for combined therapy with radiation therapy, especially where facilities are not co-located.
Radiation oncology centre characteristics for providing safe and quality care include:
- linear accelerator (LINAC) capable of image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT)
- staff to be familiar with AML-specific radiation therapy techniques
- TBI-based preparative regimens only being delivered in centres with experience using TBI conditioning and autologous/allogeneic transplantation (minimum 10 procedures per year)
- dedicated CT planning
- access to MRI and PET imaging
- automatic record-verify of all radiation treatments delivered
- a treatment planning system
- trained medical physicists, radiation therapists and nurses with radiation therapy experience
- coordination for combined therapy with systemic therapy, especially where facilities are not co-located
- participation in Australian Clinical Dosimetry Service audits
- an incident management system linked with a quality management system.
Centres that do not have sufficient caseloads (for TBI and for overall management) should refer cases to a high-volume centre.